Challenge or How Might We... questions are often employed in the 'solution space' during brainstorming sessions. However, they are often overlooked as tools to help ensure you are asking the right questions in the first place.
Check out this speed networking activity designed to boost engagement and energy and provide face-to-face networking time. It even includes a built-in ‘excuse’ for participants to follow-up with one another after the networking event.
Ready to shake up your brainstorming? 6-3-5 brainwriting is a hybrid brainstorming method combining individual problem solving and the brain power of a team.
The 1-2-3 clap, stomp, shimmy warm-up is a mental workout mixed with fun and allows participants to unite over just the right amount of light-hearted failure.
"Warm-ups" were one of the most valuable tools we used in Design Thinking Facilitation at the Global Service Jam. They were used to raise energy levels, build comradery and create a safe space that allowed teams to succeed and fail together.